

Surrealism is all about: 'depicting unnerving, illogical scenes and developed techniques to allow the unconscious mind to express itself.' I think this a style that has strong links to the concept of 'migraine art' and art that is inspired by the mind, and the mind's perception if migraine, especially when considering migraine with aura. 

You could also consider automatism, referring to creating art without conscious thought, accessing material from the unconscious mind as part of the creative process, which can also link well with the portrayal of unconscious activity inside the body, such as via the nervous system (which causes migraines).

Surrealist collage, putting together images clipped from magazines, product catalogues, book illustrations and other sources, was invented by Max Ernst, and was the first form of automatism in visual art. Ernst also used frottage (rubbing) and grattage (scraping) to create chance textures within his work. Various forms of automatic drawing and painting were developed by artists such as Joan Miro, Andre Masson as well as Ernst.

While the term automatism is specifically associated with twentieth-century artists, and particularly surrealism, earlier artists such as Alexander Cozens used some elements of chance to create works, while others reportedly tapped into visionary or trance states. When considering migraine again, you can also draw from personal experience, and from when you were in a migraine 'state', which can often feel surreal or visionary/ trance like due to the symptoms that persist,


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